I might adjust things a bit if there's any announcement in January.
3mo ending Dec-2010 Rev($M) EPS($) ------------------- ------- ------ Apple guidance 23,000 4.80 Analysts consensus 24,110 5.29 Deagol estimates 26,071 6.23
Here you'll find my latest AAPL estimates based on my financial model of Apple Inc's business. This should not be considered financial advice, do your own diligence, no guarantee from past performance, and all of that, etc. The idea is for you to figure out as much as you can, and when stuck on something just ask me. Enjoy!
3mo ending Dec-2010 Rev($M) EPS($) ------------------- ------- ------ Apple guidance 23,000 4.80 Analysts consensus 24,110 5.29 Deagol estimates 26,071 6.23