Here's a scatter plot of the contributions for June 15:

Here's a frequency histogram including a few more web order numbers from before and after those shown above:

Here's a frequency histogram including a few more web order numbers from before and after those shown above:

And here's the raw data, in case anyone somehow mines some pattern out of it:
Timestamp(PDT) Web number Contributor -------------- ---------- ------------------ 05/09/10 06:11 W299136XXX macnmaine 05/10/10 03:52 W2477497XX michelc 05/10/10 05:48 W2293963XX CdnPhoto 05/14/10 15:19 W2916900XX Ghh008 05/16/10 17:40 W215139XXX macnmaine 06/02/10 11:55 W2769957XX centex 06/06/10 15:49 W292153XXX macnmaine 06/14/10 18:58 W2856025XX centex 06/15/10 09:30 W263697XXX cotten999 06/15/10 12:51 W2462125XX hltr 06/15/10 13:35 W2771715XX The Scorpion Files 06/15/10 14:53 W2436969XX braney 06/15/10 15:55 W2736754XX DSO 06/15/10 16:22 W2670179XX parkslope2006 06/15/10 16:32 W2755113XX DSO 06/15/10 17:07 W216414XXX nontekkie 06/15/10 17:12 W2488284XX $ Bill Yall 06/15/10 18:00 W2831010XX jamesd 06/15/10 19:19 W2111939XX centex 06/15/10 19:22 W2659075XX cranjo 06/15/10 19:29 W2705339XX tradervic 06/15/10 19:30 W2562092XX cranjo 06/15/10 19:31 W2357239XX sensiblethoughts 06/15/10 20:00 W219790XXX organicandnoworms 06/15/10 23:29 W2940290XX fhatta 06/16/10 09:46 W2300058XX Probe
This is unfortunate, but of course it won't prevent me from continuing to analyze Apple's business. I have to thank Apple for letting me get away with it for 5+ years, but most of all I'd like to thank all the fellow AAPL investors for their voluntary contributions to this effort. And Steve "Caligula" Evans for coming up with the idea in the first place and compiling those very early numbers.
But now it's time to fly solo, and hope I don't disappoint. Third quarter final estimates in a couple of weeks. They look great but I'm still tinkering with things, and we'll surely get some more info on iPhone 4 sales over the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!
Shame they closed your loophole! My guess (hope) is that they had security in mind. The recent AT&T foul up with UDIDs would seem to make Apple's move prescient.
Insensitive bastards ;-)
Without all the digits, any further attempt to mine the data would be a waste of time. Who's to say the right-most 2 or 3 digits are still the least significant.
Thanks for the years of excellent work. Your work has been greatly appreciated by AAPL investors like me. We'll still keep an eye out for your estimates.
Unfortunate, I am always checking into your blog hoping for another piece of real news about AAPL. I've sure enjoyed your analysis over the years and will continue to watch for your quarterly estimates. Thanks so much.
Jack Tunnicliffe
Ah yes, it slipped my mind, but thank you. I hope you'll be able to keep doing some of what you have been doing.
That sucks. I just discovered this site about 4 months ago. Oh well, I guess I was late to the party.
Good work though.
Anon, I'm definitely NOT done! Stick around, the AAPL party is just starting.
Was out of the country, just got back, so couldn't post sooner. Congratulations on yet another outstanding piece of analytical work that puts the so called experts with all their staffs and resources to shame.
The $18 bln guidance was really an eye opener - I didn't see a need for that at all; why do you suppose they did that? To offset drop in gross margins?
I don't understand why the stock is a rut... AAPL should be over $300 and steadily climbing up from there.
Thanks again for all your hard work, and look fwd to the next Q.
Roy, thanks for the kind words.
I'm assuming the $18b is them still being conservative.
I don't understand either, but I think patience will pay off. Do you remember what triggered the 80 pt rally from Feb to Apr?
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